Saturday, October 18, 2008

11 weeks and counting

I somehow anticipate that with each week that gets me closer to my second trimester will find me with more energy. I had a small list of things I wanted to accomplish today (saturday the 18th) but that was not to be. My energy level has not changed even though my expectations for them have--which leaves me more frustrated. It is ridiculous how much I did today--I gathered a few pecans from our yard, I cut a few pieces of paper for scrapbooking and then I pooped out. I sat on the couch the rest of the afternoon. I even took a nap even though I had slept about 10 hours the night before. Most might say, "enjoy it while you can!" but I am not enjoying it on days like this, where it is pretty outside and there are a zillion things to do. This is where I am for now. My energy is going toward better things than organizing rooms, scrapbooking, and housework. I just need to remember that. Oh, did anyone else have to turn into a mouth-breather in pregnancy? Sometimes, I can't get enough air through my nose. I get enough to think that I should be fine but then I realize that I'm not getting air.

Some good news reached me yesterday when Marti Witherow, old RTS classmate and friend, called and announced that she had her baby girl--Johanna ("Yo-hanna") Marta Witherow. She was over 7lbs and with dark hair. She was born 3 weeks early so her shower is still next week. Get this--her labor began because of the full moon. I thought that was an old wives tale until she said that all sorts of women showed up on tuesday at the hospital to have babies when it was empty on the monday night. Apparently it is pretty typical. Wild. I'm THRILLED for her. If anyone doesn't know, Marti and Neil had been trying for a baby for years and began in vitro. The first time they tried it had not succeeded and the babies were miscarried. It has been a trying journey for them as they trusted the Lord through barren times. Yet, they persevered and the Lord blessed them. I love seeing how the has worked in their lives and I look forward to getting to know little Johanna (which means "God is gracious").

1 comment:

  1. Please tell Marti congratulations for me! How wonderful!

    And about the mouth breathing thing, yes, that can happen. I was "stopped up" the majority of my pregnancy and couldn't breath well at all through my nose. Several women at my church at the time said that they had had the same problem.

    I'll be praying for your energy levels! Love you!
