Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I'm bummed because we went to our first "doctor's" appointment today in hopes of having a sonogram and hearing the baby's heartbeat. That did not happen. It was really anti-climactic as they drew blood and then had us meet with an obstetrician expert (she took a med., family history, and went over lots of little goodies that she gave us i.e. pamphlets). We are set to have our first sonogram in two more weeks (Oct. 14th). I can't believe I have to wait that long. It is going to feel like forever (esp. since I am so tired and sluggish).

I'm pretty useless these days as my energy is waning. I try to do stuff when I have energy but it is so short-lived. Sweet David has been ultra helpful around the house that barely can get cleaned. I spend a lot of time being thankful for cable t.v. since that is what I watch most of the day. I do manage to teach my classes but try to sit while I do that as much as possible. Also, I am going to the gym to sit on a "relaxed" bike for 30 minutes. I can move while sitting and it gets anxious and restless energy out of me. I tried to walk on the treadmill and it made me feel nauseous and like I had feet of lead. Thanks for all of your prayers.


  1. It does get better, I promise! I hope that you can get some rest, so thankful for such an understanding husband. I'll definitely be praying for you. It's ok for you to take it easy right now, the baby needs all that attention from your body now!
    Love you! Wish I could give you a hug!

  2. ugh so sorry you didn't get one!! I thought for sure you would! I had to cry to get mine at 5 weeks 6 days. :-(

  3. I had those exhausted days first and third trimester. : ) I know it's hard, but do enjoy this time to rest. Are going to East Lakeland? They are wonderful. Call us if you need anything!

  4. paula, we just need ya'll to come hang out with us!
