Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Spring is here and my nose is runnin'

I LOVE SPRING! There are lots of reasons to love it: Christ defeating the grave, flowers, weather that is not painfully cold or suffocatingly hot, the promise of summer vacation, spring break, my birthday--do you see what i mean?! However, with every joy there is a burden and my burden has been my allergies. They've knocked me off my feet this past couple weeks. If I could scream at my body and say, "STOP IT!!" i would. But, in response, my body would just give me a bladder infection or somethin'. It just doesn't mind me like it used to! I don't have fever anymore, but my sinuses are producing enough yucky stuff to fill the bathtub.

David has been sympathetic except for when he thought that my misery should be commemorated in pictures. Here are the pictures he took of me in my (self-imposed) pitiful state. Also, I've included a picture of david and i at millsaps college campus when the azaleas were in bloom....just to show that i'm not throwing a complete pity party. I hope ya'll are enjoying the great weather!!


  1. I think you look beautiful even with your sickness. :):)
    love you,

  2. Those pictures are great!! There's a lot of different aspects to great pictures, as you know, and those ones have depth!!

  3. Hope you feel better Guitta...It was great seeing you and David in Slidell!


  4. Raquel, you are crazy!!! but sweet!

    thanks, friend!
