This blog is a little late in coming but I just uploaded the pictures from our camera into the computer. David and I had several people over to watch a beloved neo-classic, Shaun of the Dead. I was introduced by my cousin whose taste in movies in some cases make me cringe--but he got it right this time. I introduced it to David and we both wanted to share it with the world--a gospel of comedy, if you will. Who says that just because "Dead" is in the title of a movie about zombies that it can't be hilarious? This movie beautifully combines horror, some drama, and comedy. We are not talking about a nod-in-acknowledgement kind of funny here. This is laugh out loud profoundly funny. We tried to set the mood for the mini-party with treats and wine. We relabeled the wine as poison and the skittles were spider eggs. It was a fun night and I think we made some believers out of our guests in the power of funny.
note: do not see the movie if you are especially sensitive to gore and blood or if you hit the ceiling when someone says "BOO".
Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng! uhhhhhhhhhhhh!
teehee...cute, david!