I have a moment to write while the baby is asleep and david watches a cartoon. I've done a couple of chores and I'm fully capable of turning my attention to a blog post. ....Hmmm...what should I write about...? Parenting? Don't feel like going there. I always feel like broaching that subject takes a shot of whiskey and reckless abandonment with full armor. Should I get spiritual and talk about what is going on with my relationship with the Lord? Good stuff but I don't know that I feel like being that serious right now. I could post some pics of my children but I'm too lazy to upload them on the PC right now. I am always aware of my audience as I write these things. I am aware that with ANYTHING I write I open myself up to scrutiny and perhaps, criticism. My opinions (given less and less with every year) can be divisive. "Being Guitta" means that I will have opinions but I don't have to share those things if it means someone else will feel hurt by them or get defensive. On the other hand, I cannot control ONE BIT how people will respond to anything I say. I could say, "The moon is beautiful" and someone could silently accuse me of all manner of stupidity like "You hate the sun!" or "You are so dark and goth!" It is a stupid example to show that I can't stop speaking altogether for fear of offending someone. I often want to walk the middle line rather than take a stand on any topic when I am with others, ESPECIALLY when I know the topic to be one of personal conviction and not moral obligation. Still, I can't control what others see as an issue of morals (right and wrong) versus a decision a based on a person's own individuality. So, where should graciousness (silence) end and speaking up for truth begin? Ok, if you aren't dizzy yet then let me finish the job.
It seems to all come down to wisdom and love...or in order of priority--love and wisdom. I have (as have all of us) endured criticism--some of it outright and some of it subtle (not sure which is worse). Rather than turn the actual issue that is bugging someone into a place where I need to pick a side, bear arms, and defend my lines it would be loving and wise to remember where they are coming from and be patient with their approach. Do I have to agree with them in order to love them or be a peacekeeper? NO! I can still hold on to who I am, what I believe (or know in some cases), and feel good about my decisions. In my mind, I sense a constant pull between not offending others and not being superficial but honest on this blog. With God's wisdom and love perhaps I will balance this well. Then again, if this blog offends you, you certainly don't have to read it....
CJ Mahaney’s Christmas Book List 2017
7 years ago
hey guitta girl, i am loving reading your thoughts here and am so glad you're posting again. you always make me think, your special knowledge of psychology things, plus your lovely, blessed heart, changed by Christ and trusting in Him alone, make for a lot of wisdom that is truly a blessing to me. I have lots of silent struggles(well not silent to poor Joseph :) he gets an earful all the time), and your posts are a help. I think you're a brave mama and wife! I'm not good at telling or even knowing for sure what i think about things! So you are blessed, and a blessing! Tell David, David jr, and Judah that we love them, and WE ARE going to see you at some point!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is very kind and encouraging, Kat! Thank you for reading. I'm trying to be a better writer which means that I need to write more which also means that I gotta pull material out from somewhere which = random thoughts by guitta. :) We hope to see you sometime in the new year, too!