Sure, you were up ALL night writing a 25 page paper about the fundamentals of whatchamicallit and whoduzzit. You have more break outs on your face than you did at 16 years old. You gained a good 10 pounds from all those late-night study sessions at the IHOP. And who invented the 8am class? Or the 8am client?? Then you had to sit through a 3 hour lecture on that subject....yeah, that one. However, don't ya'll miss some parts of being a student? I know I do. I know David does. Ok, David IS a student but he missed being a student like he was at LSU--y'know, single. (Yes, yes, he loves me and loves being married but he is allowed to miss parts of single life just like I am).
I am writing this particular post at the local coffee shop. I'm sitting in a comfy chair with my laptop (appropriately named) on my lap. I have a strawberry italian cream soda on a cute little table next to me. Around me are a few people here to visit and catch up. But I also have students around me. Ok, and they don't look thrilled to be there. But there may be a time in their busy futures where they will look back and go--Ahhh, those days were fun. I rarely, and I mean RARELY, get the opportunity to sit in a coffeeshop by myself and just play online. It is WONDERFUL!!! I won't lie. I don't have to divide my attention. I can completely and unapologetically focus. Does it matter what it is on? No, the focusing is what is luxurious. I'm a terrible multi-tasker but am forced to try while mothering two youngsters and taking care of housework. As a student, I spent oodles and oodles of time in coffee shops and bookstores and restaurants studying. Sometimes, I went with the excuse of studying but I really just wanted a change of scenery or to be around the hustle and bustle. (I've never been the type to enjoy sitting in a quiet room or library to work.) It is relaxing to be here. Life is going on around me yet I'm allowed the luxury to focus. I'm basking in it.
Another part of academia that is missed is that there were ministries specifically focused on your stage of life. RUF, anyone? If you aren't the Reformed University Fellowship type, then try Campus Crusade, or Baptist Student Union. All of these were geared and designed to walk alongside the student and all of their joys and struggles. No one is there after graduation walking with you through the hard stuff like, "what am I going to do with my life?" or "why don't I get more than two days off for Christmas?" and "What? No spring break?? Who made these rules??". Also, when in school you have this built-in community (for better or worse). After graduation can be a rather lonely place. No campus ministers are calling. No friends that live "just down the hall". No buddy to have "peer reviews" with over clients (what? you didn't do those in grad school? just me? ok.)
So thankful for the experience that is school. There really is nothing like it. I'm also super thankful for my present life being married with children. But I will enjoy an occasional afternoon with my laptop at a coffee shop. Cheers.
CJ Mahaney’s Christmas Book List 2017
7 years ago
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