Tuesday, August 9, 2011

vans, vegetables, and vacations

How did these months pass so quickly.  David headed back to school this week and I am reflecting on (as I am prone to do) on the summer past.  It was busy.  Sure, some folks think that because David is a teacher his summers are full of leisure.  We wish.  Not so but it is rather productive (or as productive as we can be with a toddler and an infant).  Our summer involved selling our car to purchase a van (a transaction that amazingly happened on the same day--I thought it would take forever to sell our car from craigslist but I am still getting calls about that car).  Our van, or swagger wagon, has made things easier, esp. in terms of packing up for trips.  Oh the room!  It is fabulous.  We are also enjoying all the storage compartments and power doors. 

Before Judah arrived, I rented a tiller and David tilled a part of our yard for a garden.  We were well advised by the folks at Lakeland Yard and Garden center and have a had a great harvest of tomatoes, cukes, squash, and okra.  We had a great harvest of parsley but caterpillers ate it before I could harvest it.  Bell peppers didn't do as well but there is always next year.  I look forward to it.  It has been a joy to tend. 

We got to go to gulf shores for a little R & R with my parents.  It has been the first time going on  vacation since David was born so although it was fun it was also not a trip to the beach as we remember it.  We've entered into a new stage of life.  We loved being in such a beautiful setting, in a great condo.  David Jr. enjoyed the beach and the pools with his daddy.  David took a course this summer that kept him pretty busy.  He took his required translation exam and passed with flying colors.  That was not a surprise to his wife who sees him work so hard.  I'm proud of my intelligent husband who is passionate about latin and all things related. 

We have been married 5 years now.  What a jam-packed few years it has been.  I'm continually grateful for this relationship the Lord blessed me with.  I don't deserve it but I'm thrilled to have a godly husband and now these two precious children.  More on that later (maybe--if i get around to it).

I never really look forward to David going back to work but here are some things I do look forward to:
-- a regular schedule
--cooler weather
--pecans! from our trees
--delicious apples and all things pumpkin
--a wedding for David's friend
--Judah's baptism
--David's 31st birthday soon after
--mama's bible study starting back up

Happy August!


  1. What a sweet girl you are. It's good to "hear" your voice again. I love you. David

  2. that sounded like a good summertime, and what fun to plant a garden. I am so ready to see yall and meet that baby! Joseph said that yall were watching "firefly." I laughed last night cause I didn't want to watch it either. My good friend kept telling me how much she loved it, she even lent me her copy. We never watched it. But when we finally did, I really liked it, it's definitely sci-fi (i think that's why I wasn't interested). Anyway, girlie, hope yall have good weekend, and I too am thinking about pumpkins and such!
