On Saturday (as part of our bi-monthly date), David and I went to Hobby Lobby so that I could get some mats for 3 pictures I have that I want to put in the guest room. I was greeted (and that is an overstatement) by a short man who was quite gruff. He continually told us how busy he was. There were lots of people in the store but they weren't lining up to talk to him, but hey, I give him the benefit of the doubt. This man obviously wants me to understand that he is not able to give me his full time or attention. I tell him what I want and ask a few questions about cost. Again, gruff. I reassure him (since he seems too stressed out over such a simple order) that I don't need the mats that day and that I am more than happy to come by and pick it up later in the week. I tell him that the frames, albeit very similar in size, are in fact of different measurement. A small difference but enough to account for when cutting mats. Afterall, folks, you should know that I worked a year in a frame shop in high school. I am not a numbskull when it comes to the business of cutting mats and framing. However, he doesn't know that and I'm willing to play the trusting, unknowing customer. So, he busily measures my frames and pictures and writes those numbers furiously down. I am purposely giving out an air that is relaxed and calm and hoping that this aura of mine catches (therapist trick). He then stops and looks at me and with the increasingly gruff (and increasingly annoying to me) manner tells me that two of the frames are the same. I reply calmly that they are actually different. Does he re-measure? No. He just states over and over to my protests that they are the same size. Fine. At this point, I just metaphorically throw my hands up in the air and say, "ok, great."
Fast forward to three days later...
I pick up the mats and today put them in their frames at home. Sure enough, those two "same" frames are not so "same". One of the mats is too small for the frame. GRRRRR! I was right. Not only was I right but I was right AND I spoke up but was ignored. GRRRRR!
Maybe I just hate the in-efficiency of having to deal with this man's (arrogant) mistake. Maybe I hate to be questioned (definitely true about me in general). But I fumed a good while when I figured out that I was right. But I feel a heck of a lot better now that I've shared my frustration with you guys.
CJ Mahaney’s Christmas Book List 2017
7 years ago
Neblett's framing on HWY 80 is better. They're cheaper and friendlier. It looks like a funny store from the outside, but they're pros.