Monday, February 22, 2010

brain down the drain

I can no longer trust what used to be so dependable--my mind.  It has betrayed me time and again.  I was rehabbing it for awhile by "transforming it by the renewing of my mind" kind-of-way.  I made great strides in that regard but several steps backward in another.  But then I got pregnant and had a baby.  Since then I have seen a serious memory deficit.  Here is the recent mishap.  Last week, one of my classes was scheduled to take an exam.  When my babysitter arrived, I was ready to print out said exam.  My computer decided it had enough of my dictatorship over its keys and such and died.  It must have conspired with our charger cord because it decided that it wasn't going to work in any outlet.  I was seriously late by the time I realized that these two "enemies" were sticking to their guns.  I left for the class with the decision to take my computer and work on it at the school.  Twenty minutes into the drive, I realize that I left what DID get printed on the printer.  By that time, I was ready to raise my white flag.  It worked out fine that day.  Like most students, they were glad to have an extra week to study.  We started the next unit instead. 

Today, I was prepared to be prepared.  I had the test already printed out and set it where I was not going to miss it as I headed out the door.  I got to school and realized that in all the energy it took my brain to remember the test, I forgot the textbook.  I usually keep both textbooks I use in the car.   Sigh.  Not a big deal for my students but it was not part of the plan.  I see that I cannot rely on my brain as I once had.  Its capabilities are limited until my child (and whatever future children) are grown...or at least sleeping through the night.  I know you other moms can relate.  I can only laugh at myself and move on. 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

if you like it than you better put a sling on it

I went to a la leche meeting this past week and several of the girls were talking about a youtube video inspired by Beyonce's song "Put a ring on it".  I played it a few minutes ago and realized that the maker of this video was Leigh Pennebaker, a girl I went to college with.  I always liked her.  She always seemed above the fray and was extremely talented yet kind.  Well, I learned a while back that she moved to New York City and has her sculptures all over the city in high end stores like Saks.  Good for her.  I am proud to have known and am happy to hear of her success.  Also, love that she is an attachment parent.  :)  Here is her video.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

sweet friends, sweet treats, sweet SAINTS WINNING the SUPERBOWL!!

Here are some pictures of our Superbowl night.  We all were thrilled to see the Saints "finish strong".  I am not a football girl at all but the Saints have really turned me onto the game.  It was such a good thing for our state. 
Anyway, here is a cutie makin' love to the camera while my little one admires her sparkle!  Iris entertained David all night.  She was incredibly gentle with him.  And oh yeah--she is a LSU tigers fan, don't ya know?!

I want to show David Jr. when he is older that he was alive when the Saints went to the Superbowl and kicked tail. 
Here is a close up of his shirt.  It was an appropriate shirt given to us by cousin Robbie and soon-to-be-bride, Natalie.  We told them that he would wear it when the Saints went to the superbowl.  As soon as he put it on, the game started swing our way. 
Roy and David becoming more acquainted.  I believe they are ready for a chunky boy of their own.  Theirs probably won't contrast as much (wink, wink ;)
Two handsome fellas holding their cutie patootie babies.  I love it!!!
So so handsome.  Makes me gush.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

newly realized pet peeve

On Saturday (as part of our bi-monthly date), David and I went to Hobby Lobby so that I could get some mats for 3 pictures I have that I want to put in the guest room.  I was greeted (and that is an overstatement) by a short man who was quite gruff.  He continually told us how busy he was.  There were lots of people in the store but they weren't lining up to talk to him, but hey, I give him the benefit of the doubt.  This man obviously wants me to understand that he is not able to give me his full time or attention.  I tell him what I want and ask a few questions about cost.  Again, gruff.  I reassure him (since he seems too stressed out over such a simple order) that I don't need the mats that day and that I am more than happy to come by and pick it up later in the week.  I tell him that the frames, albeit very similar in size, are in fact of different measurement.  A small difference but enough to account for when cutting mats.  Afterall, folks, you should know that I worked a year in a frame shop in high school.  I am not a numbskull when it comes to the business of cutting mats and framing.  However, he doesn't know that and I'm willing to play the trusting, unknowing customer.  So, he busily measures my frames and pictures and writes those numbers furiously down.  I am purposely giving out an air that is relaxed and calm and hoping that this aura of mine catches (therapist trick).  He then stops and looks at me and with the increasingly gruff (and increasingly annoying to me) manner tells me that two of the frames are the same.  I reply calmly that they are actually different.  Does he re-measure?  No.  He just states over and over to my protests that they are the same size.  Fine.  At this point, I just metaphorically throw my hands up in the air and say, "ok, great." 

Fast forward to three days later...

I pick up the mats and today put them in their frames at home.  Sure enough, those two "same" frames are not so "same".  One of the mats is too small for the frame.   GRRRRR!   I was right.  Not only was I right but I was right AND I spoke up but was ignored.  GRRRRR!  

Maybe I just hate the in-efficiency of having to deal with this man's (arrogant) mistake.  Maybe I hate to be questioned (definitely true about me in general).  But I fumed a good while when I figured out that I was right.  But I feel a heck of a lot better now that I've shared my frustration with you guys. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I heart brandon but...

I love living in brandon but I would also love to see it grow and thrive.  I get super excited to see new businesses open up and hope that residents will support those businesses so that they don't die, well, mostly.  I am thinking of the new restaurant that opened not far from our home.  It was called Bonkers and it was just not grabbing customers.  They were a burger place that we tried once.  Not impressive.  And to no one's surprise the place closed down in less than a year.  I felt sorry for those owners' who were hoping to survive and thrive.  Perhaps that was their drea--to own their own business.  I understand that desire.  Maybe it is the lack of productivity that there appears to be when I am at home with David Jr. or maybe it is just a strong part of how the Lord created me (probably both), but I find myself daydreaming about creating and starting a business.  Anyway, I'm getting off track.  Back to Brandon.  I have seen other businesses come up (like Two Ugly Mugs, a coffee and creamery shop) and really hope people go there.  I want it to survive.  If it survives, then that means other people will bring their businesses to Brandon.  That would be great.  We could use more restaurants and retailers.  Not too many, but more.  Which has me thinking...what would I want to open in Brandon?  Hmmmm.  I think a Backyard Burger and/or ChickFilA would be nice.  Oh, and I would love to have an IHOP.  Well, this dream is a stretch but Coffee Rani (a restaurant only in south louisiana) would be a dream come true.  I have wondered many many times if I could hack it as a restauranteur, specifically for a Coffee Rani franchise here in MS.  Probably not.  But I'll keep hoping that it will come here and that the owners will allow me to be a silent partner (while we are dreaming...).

P.S.  No, I'm not pregnant (for the several people who thought I was).